Crossover in Judas Wolf

I’m tickled pink about the blast-from-the-past character who appears to wreak havoc in Muttopia #6. The mysterious guest is fun to write and clever as crap, and it’s about time he resurfaced.

I almost didn’t do it. As such an integral part of the Exalted novels, this guest seems to drag most of the vampire kingdom with him into the Muttupia world. Limiting the Exalted’s impact was a challenge. Crazy, evil, poetic characters can be fun to write, but too many vampires can spoil the wolf stew.

Okay, I’ll admit that sounds gross.

There’s no on-the-nose reveal about this player because his involvement is seen through Kaidlyn’s eyes, but readers who are familiar with the Exalted world will definitely catch on.

And I thought I knew what Muttopia #7 was going to be, but this book shuffled the order. Honestly, some life stuff came along and my priorities have realigned. So what was Muttopia book #7 will now become Muttopia#8 in the series because Kaid has unresolved issues.

At the end of Judas Wolf, I think you’ll see why I have to do a book#7 before I get around to the mess of book #8.